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Escuela y Banda Municipal de Música


La Palmadel Condado Council set up by the Local Music School on November 2003 in order to educate the students on sol-fa and musical instruments. Its main purpose was to constitute a Local Music Band that would help alleviate the existing shortage in the city.



Currently, the school has five teachers who train students in various instrumental specialties, besides the core subjects of musical language, to integrate them into the band. Those who want to take music as a career are also coached in this centre, giving them guidance for the official conservatory study and coaching them for the entrance test in the Music Intermediate Level Course.



-Mr.Carlos Pulido , B.M. saxophone instrumental specialty.

- Mr.Sergio Jimenez , B.M. clarinet instrumental specialty

- Mr.. Jesus Manuel Jimenez , B.M. specialty percussion instruments.

- Mr.. Julio Diaz , B.M. specialty instruments trombone-tuba.

- Mr.. Miguel Angel Redondo , B.M. specialty instruments-trumpet flugelhorn.


Registration and information:

Spain Theatre, Plaza of Spain

21700 La Palma del Condado (Huelva)

From 9.00 to 14.00

Tel 959 402816 ext. 273




Components of all instrumental specialties make up the Municipal Band "Nuestra Señora del Valle" La Palma del Condado, under the direction of D. Miguel Angel Redondo Gil. It is part of the annual program of concerts at the Teatro España, including some that are educational for family audiences. He has participated in the National Congress Belenista XLV in processions of La Palma (Easter, May Cruces, Corpus Christi and Day Skipper), Carnival, and Institutional Acts Christmas Campaign APYME La Palma.

This music band is progressing at a rapid pace thanks to the investment of the City on this project, parents of students, their components and music lovers who enjoy concerts and auditions.



Processional marches, religious music, classical, soundtrack and pasodobles.

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