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Firma electrónica

The Electronic Signature is a set of data electronically recorded related to a person and that, along with other data, can be used as a means of identification of the signatory. Thus, the signature is as valid as the manuscript one.

It enables that both the recipient and the emitter of some content are able to identify each other with the certainty of being dealing with thepeople they want to. It prevents third parties from intercepting the information and altering it; as well as one of the parties from rejecting the information that it received from the other party and that it initially accepted.

The User Certificate will allow you to make online proceedings with Private Entities and the Public Administration safely. Thanks to the User Certificate, you will no longer have to endure unnecessary waits and commutes. The Private Entities and the Public Administration are swift and efficient on the Internet 


The Electronic Signature is made through the browser of the PC; it is not necessary to install any additional program. Moreover, it is for free.


When you apply for a user certificate, your browser will generate a pair of passwords. The private password is recorded on your browser, and the public one is sent to the FNMT- RCM (National Currency and Stamp Manufacturer and Spanish Mint). The FNMT-RCM shall assign a code of application to that password which will be sent back to you online.

Then you will need to go to a Oficina de Acreditación (accreditation office) and present your identity card and the code. Eventually, after being accredited, you could download the certificate online. The certificate will be installed on your browser.


La Palmadel Condado City Coucil is also an ACCREDITATION OFFICE. It has had four registries for Electronic Signature since 07/05/03, when the Addendum of the cooperation agreement between the Junta de Andalucía (Andalusian Autonomous Government) and the FNMT (National Currency and Stamp Manufacturer) was signed. Thus, any citizen willing to obtain the electronic signature can do it in the city council for free.


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