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Pabellón cubierto

Address: Municipal Sports


OPENING:   2000




Track Biosuro (cork varnished) with air chamber.

Central Track Indoor Football / Handball. Volleyball Centre Court.Center Court Basketball and two lateral.

Cortina Separator

Tapestry of rhythmic gymnastics.

2 folding professional basketball hoops, basketball nets 2 fold to the wall, 2 basketball hoops swing to the ceiling, 2 goals of fútbol-sala/balonmano, volleyball net.

Multisport scoreboard and basketball court.

4 changing rooms for players and 1 referee, services, municipal and club stores.

Bleachers for 300 spectators, with seats installed. Ceiling lighting and public address equipment.




Exhibitions Classes and Gymnastics.

Gymnastics for 3rd age.

Playful School.

Training and Basketball Club Competitions The Palma'95.

Training and Competitions Smurfit Kappa - La Palma Indoor Football.

Training and Competitions Municipal School Volleyball.

Taekwondo competitions and exhibitions.

Paid vacation / as and users / ace.

Physical Education classes IES La Palma

Summer School.

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Polideportivo Municipal
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