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Greetings from the Mayor

I would like to extend my heartfelt welcome to those of you who have decided to access to the website of La Palma council. And I want it to be a welcome of hosting for having chosen this rapid and agile way to get to know, even if in a virtual way, a fair part of our city.

From this very moment, I invite you to follow a "real" tour through this site and to take part in the multiple options it offers. To us, and to many people that have come to live here, La Palma has many virtues and a high potential in order to enjoy from a more than acceptable standard way of living and a collective quality referring to the economy, urbanism, culture and cultural heritage; in short, to a monumental tradition that owes much to our great infrastructures, brand new facilities and communications coverage. This is why this portal was born: as a key strategy of social and institutional promotion of a township that has a cohesive natural and rural environment, a city model that we seek to develop further.

The improvement of the quality of our neighbours is our commitment in La Palma, and that is precisely, the main aim of the webpage you are now visiting. Here, the change is considered as a permanent and necessary balance between tradition as a basis, and modernity as a creative outlet. In this portal, you will find our city project together with our commitment with the citizens and visitors. We seek to get you closer to the Administration; it will serve as a channel to the administrative management, as well as for addressing claims and making complaints, reducing, thereby, the waiting times.

We realize that citizens are increasingly demanding the best customer support, information and telematic communication means, within a variety of contents, design and computing innovation.

Such a lively and emergent city like La Palma is bound to improve continually its municipal services and facilities to enhance its competitiveness. We have paid special attention at the criteria of accessibility in order to create a dynamic portal, with its own identity.

But what we are really interested in is that, after knowing the contents here shown, you would give us the privilege of your visit and stay to this typically Andalusian city, where the baroque conferred its artistic category to our neat and harmonious hamlet which was declared Historical Ensemble in 2002. It is the perfect stage for a repertoire of festivities and leisure activities all the year long. Come to visit us and you will always remember this place. We will be waiting for you.

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Citizen information office (SAC)
Servicio de Atención al Ciudadano
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