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Municipal Lost Property Service

Servicio municipal de objetos perdidos/encontrados

La Palma del Condado City Council put at the disposal of the citizens a Municipal Lost Property Office by the end of 2004. The aim of this office is for you to hand over something you found, or to recover something you lost in our city. All this is done through a single and centralized office of collecting and delivering, where all the received and withdrawn objects are registered in a Logbook


To HAND OVER an object you found, you only need to go the SAC (Citizen Advice Service). Identification will not be required, and you will not need to give any explanation on how you found the object.  

To RECOVER something you lost, you must go to the SAC with your identity card and prove somehow that you own the object (detailed description, bill, photography, etc.).

If you want for somebody else to collect your object, that person will need an authorization and a photocopy of your identity card.

The return of the found objects is free of charge, except for the cases in which big objects are to be sent; in which case, it will be charged to the owner.

We also offer the possibility of placing an advertisement on the local Radio or TV for a period of 10 days, for FREE.



- If the object has any kind of identification, we will try to localise you and contact the owner.

- The council cannot be held responsible for the damages that the object may suffer during the period of custody.

- Animals, explosive material and dangerous objects will not be accepted.

- Objects could remain at the office up to 2 years (minimum period of custody). If during that period it has not been possible to locate the owner and give the object to him, we will contact the person who handed it over (if that person expressed an interest in so) in order for him to recover the object in case he is interested.

If it has not been possible either to give the object back to its rightful owner, or to the person who found it, one of the following steps will be followed:

-          It might be donated to charity. When it is a perishable good, this action will be taken before the object starts wearing out.

-          It might be alienated through a public process.

-          It might be distroyed.

You can download an application from the "Lost Property Office" in Spanish by clicking here

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