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Municipal Appliance Pick-up Service

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La Palmadel Condado City Council offers a FREE Municipal Appliance Pick-Up Service to the citizens.

This service is managed by the Council, with the aim of facilitating the task of getting rid, in an orderly way, of the household equipment, furniture, electrical appliances and heavy items the citizens no longer need. 


In order to make use of the Municipal Appliance Pick-up Service, you need to contact the Council dialling (+34) 959 40 23 19 or (+34) 959 40 23 75. Some data will be required, such as you name, the address for the pick-up, the appliances to be collected and a telephone number.

 Requests of the service will only be accepted until Thursdayof each week and the pick-up is made on Fridays. Citizens must leave their appliances at the door of the specified address on Thursday night or Friday early morning.

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